

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Microsoft Windows 8 Review

While Windows 7 has been an overwhelming success with over 300 million copies sold in 2010, it hasn’t stopped Microsoft from working on Windows 8. Now comes notice that Windows 8 may be further along than thought. Why so? Because Microsoft  has begun to distribute early copies of Windows 8 to special OEM partners.

What is the Build?
Microsoft is distributing build 7971.0.110324-1900 Milestone 3 through the company’s Connect external testing system. Builds are product distribution points where the company feels confident enough about the product to have it tested by outsiders.  So some key OEMs, including HP, are now able to access the Milestone 3 build from Connect. So here is what has transpired, using a special invite from Microsoft. A code is provided, and the OEM partner enters the code, and they have access to the OS. The release program is called “Windows 8 and Server vNext Pre-Release Program.”

Windows 8 Release Date
So with all of this activity when will Windows 8 be released? Most of the rumors show that a full-fledged beta of Windows 8 will be available by September 2011, ahead of its release candidate and the actual launch of the program will occur sometime in 2012.

What Will Windows 8 Contain?
Remember, these are rumors and you won’t know until the actual product appears. But so far there are some very interesting features in the mix. For instance, the interface is supposed to be 3D.  And the interface will be “fully dynamic” meaning that it will adapt to user habits. Then there are the icons and shortcuts. They are also adaptable to different usage scenarios as well to speed up daily tasks. Then there is the power supply system. Windows 8 is to include a new fast hibernation system, where the system will hibernate between three to six seconds and save all open documents and running tasks. And there is supposed to be a dual-UI for Windows 8. The interface is codenamed “Mosh.”



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